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Takes in a data.frame/tibble and transforms it into an aggregated/normalized user-item tibble of proportions. The user will need to input the parameters for the rows/user and the columns/items.


kmeans_user_item_tbl(.data, .row_input, .col_input, .record_input)



The data that you want to transform


The column that is going to be the row (user)


The column that is going to be the column (item)


The column that is going to be summed up for the aggregattion and normalization process.


A aggregated/normalized user item tibble


This function should be used before using a k-mean model. This is commonly referred to as a user item matrix because "users" tend to be on the rows and "items" (e.g. orders) on the columns. You must supply a column that can be summed for the aggregation and normalization process to occur.


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH



data_tbl <- healthyR_data%>%
   filter(ip_op_flag == "I") %>%
   filter(payer_grouping != "Medicare B") %>%
   filter(payer_grouping != "?") %>%
   select(service_line, payer_grouping) %>%
   mutate(record = 1) %>%

   .data           = data_tbl
   , .row_input    = service_line
   , .col_input    =  payer_grouping
   , .record_input = record
#> # A tibble: 23 × 12
#>    service_line   Blue …¹ Comme…² Compe…³ Excha…⁴    HMO Medic…⁵ Medic…⁶ Medic…⁷
#>    <chr>            <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 Alcohol Abuse   0.0941 0.0321  5.25e-4 0.0116  0.0788 0.158    0.367   0.173 
#>  2 Bariatric Sur…  0.317  0.0583  0       0.0518  0.168  0.00324  0.343   0.0485
#>  3 CHF             0.0295 0.00958 5.18e-4 0.00414 0.0205 0.0197   0.0596  0.657 
#>  4 COPD            0.0493 0.0228  2.28e-4 0.00548 0.0342 0.0461   0.172   0.520 
#>  5 CVA             0.0647 0.0246  1.07e-3 0.0107  0.0524 0.0289   0.0764  0.555 
#>  6 Carotid Endar…  0.0845 0.0282  0       0       0.0141 0        0.0282  0.648 
#>  7 Cellulitis      0.110  0.0339  1.18e-2 0.00847 0.0805 0.0869   0.192   0.355 
#>  8 Chest Pain      0.144  0.0391  2.90e-3 0.00543 0.112  0.0522   0.159   0.324 
#>  9 GI Hemorrhage   0.0542 0.0175  1.25e-3 0.00834 0.0480 0.0350   0.0855  0.588 
#> 10 Joint Replace…  0.139  0.0179  3.36e-2 0.00673 0.0516 0        0.0874  0.5   
#> # … with 13 more rows, 3 more variables: `Medicare HMO` <dbl>,
#> #   `No Fault` <dbl>, `Self Pay` <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names
#> #   ¹​`Blue Cross`, ²​Commercial, ³​Compensation, ⁴​`Exchange Plans`, ⁵​Medicaid,
#> #   ⁶​`Medicaid HMO`, ⁷​`Medicare A`
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows, and `colnames()` to see all variable names