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Create a splits object.


create_splits(.data, .split_type = "initial_split", .split_args = NULL)



The data being passed to make a split on


The default is "initial_split", you can pass any other split type from the rsample library.


The default is NULL in order to use the default split arguments. If you want to pass other arguments then must pass a list with the parameter name and the argument.


A list object


Create a splits object that returns a list object of both the splits object itself and the splits type. This function supports all splits types from the rsample package.


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


create_splits(mtcars, .split_type = "vfold_cv")
#> $splits
#> #  10-fold cross-validation 
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#>    splits         id    
#>    <list>         <chr> 
#>  1 <split [28/4]> Fold01
#>  2 <split [28/4]> Fold02
#>  3 <split [29/3]> Fold03
#>  4 <split [29/3]> Fold04
#>  5 <split [29/3]> Fold05
#>  6 <split [29/3]> Fold06
#>  7 <split [29/3]> Fold07
#>  8 <split [29/3]> Fold08
#>  9 <split [29/3]> Fold09
#> 10 <split [29/3]> Fold10
#> $split_type
#> [1] "vfold_cv"