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Takes a numeric vector and will return the acceleration of that vector.


ts_acceleration_augment(.data, .value, .names = "auto")



The data being passed that will be augmented by the function.


This is passed rlang::enquo() to capture the vectors you want to augment.


The default is "auto"


A augmented tibble


Takes a numeric vector and will return the acceleration of that vector. The acceleration of a time series is computed by taking the second difference, so $$(x_t - x_t1) - (x_t - x_t1)_t1$$

This function is intended to be used on its own in order to add columns to a tibble.

See also

Other Augment Function: ts_growth_rate_augment(), ts_velocity_augment()


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH



len_out    = 10
by_unit    = "month"
start_date = as.Date("2021-01-01")

data_tbl <- tibble(
  date_col = seq.Date(from = start_date, length.out = len_out, by = by_unit),
  a    = rnorm(len_out),
  b    = runif(len_out)

ts_acceleration_augment(data_tbl, b)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>    date_col         a      b acceleration_b
#>    <date>       <dbl>  <dbl>          <dbl>
#>  1 2021-01-01  0.443  0.486        NA      
#>  2 2021-02-01 -1.07   0.0806       NA      
#>  3 2021-03-01 -0.498  0.223         0.548  
#>  4 2021-04-01  1.38   0.309        -0.0565 
#>  5 2021-05-01 -1.01   0.359        -0.0354 
#>  6 2021-06-01  0.0423 0.414         0.00447
#>  7 2021-07-01  0.810  0.522         0.0539 
#>  8 2021-08-01 -1.09   0.586        -0.0449 
#>  9 2021-09-01  0.254  0.826         0.177  
#> 10 2021-10-01  0.342  0.748        -0.319