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Creating different forecast paths for forecast objects (when applicable), by utilizing the underlying model distribution with the simulate function.


  .ext_reg = NULL,
  .frequency = NULL,
  .bootstrap = TRUE,
  .horizon = 4,
  .iterations = 25,
  .sim_color = "steelblue",
  .alpha = 0.05



A forecasting model of one of the following from the forecast package:


The data that is used for the .model parameter. This is used with timetk::tk_index()


A tibble or matrix of future xregs that should be the same length as the horizon you want to forecast.


This is for the conversion of an internal table and should match the time frequency of the data.


A boolean value of TRUE/FALSE. From forecast::simulate.Arima() Do simulation using resampled errors rather than normally distributed errors.


An integer defining the forecast horizon.


An integer, set the number of iterations of the simulation.


Set the color of the simulation paths lines.


Set the opacity level of the simulation path lines.


The original time series, the simulated values and a some plots


This function expects to take in a model of either Arima, auto.arima, ets or nnetar from the forecast package. You can supply a forecasting horizon, iterations and a few other items. You may also specify an Arima() model using xregs.

See also

Other Simulator: ts_arima_simulator()


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH



# Create a model
fit <- auto.arima(AirPassengers)
data_tbl <- ts_to_tbl(AirPassengers)

# Simulate 50 possible forecast paths, with .horizon of 12 months
output <- ts_forecast_simulator(
  .model        = fit
  , .horizon    = 12
  , .iterations = 50
  , .data       = data_tbl
