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This function will take in a value column and return any number n moving averages.


  .sma_order = 2,
  .func = mean,
  .align = "center",
  .partial = FALSE



The data that you are passing, must be a data.frame/tibble.


The column that holds the date.


The column that holds the value.


This will default to 1. This can be a vector like c(2,4,6,12)


The unquoted function you want to pass, mean, median, etc


This can be either "left", "center", "right"


This is a bool value of TRUE/FALSE, the default is TRUE


Will return a list object.


This function will accept a time series object or a tibble/data.frame. This is a simple wrapper around timetk::slidify_vec(). It uses that function to do the underlying moving average work.

It can only handle a single moving average at a time and therefore if multiple are called for, it will loop through and append data to a tibble object.


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


df <- ts_to_tbl(AirPassengers)
out <- ts_sma_plot(df, date_col, value, .sma_order = c(3,6))

#> # A tibble: 288 × 5
#>    index     date_col   value sma_order sma_value
#>    <yearmon> <date>     <dbl> <fct>         <dbl>
#>  1 Jan 1949  1949-01-01   112 3               NA 
#>  2 Feb 1949  1949-02-01   118 3              121.
#>  3 Mar 1949  1949-03-01   132 3              126.
#>  4 Apr 1949  1949-04-01   129 3              127.
#>  5 May 1949  1949-05-01   121 3              128.
#>  6 Jun 1949  1949-06-01   135 3              135.
#>  7 Jul 1949  1949-07-01   148 3              144.
#>  8 Aug 1949  1949-08-01   148 3              144 
#>  9 Sep 1949  1949-09-01   136 3              134.
#> 10 Oct 1949  1949-10-01   119 3              120.
#> # ℹ 278 more rows

#> Warning: Removed 7 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`).