Creating Time Series in R with the ts() Function


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


December 27, 2023


Time series analysis is a powerful tool in the hands of a data scientist or analyst. It allows us to uncover patterns, trends, and insights hidden within temporal data. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create a time series in R using the base R function ts().

The ts() Function

The ts() function in R is a fundamental tool for handling time series data. It takes four main arguments:

  1. data: A vector or matrix of time series values.
  2. start: The time of the first observation.
  3. end: The time of the last observation.
  4. frequency: The number of observations per unit of time.

Let’s dive into a practical example. Suppose we have a vector sales representing monthly sales data for a year. We can create a time series object using the ts() function as follows:

# Sample data
sales <- c(120, 150, 200, 180, 250, 300, 280, 320, 400, 350, 300, 380)

# Creating a time series
sales_ts <- ts(
  data = sales, 
  start = c(2022, 1), 
  end = c(2022, 12), 
  frequency = 12

# Display the time series
     Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2022 120 150 200 180 250 300 280 320 400 350 300 380

This example creates a monthly time series for sales data throughout the year 2022.

Try it out!

Creating time series in R is a hands-on task. I encourage you to pick a dataset relevant to your interests or work and follow the same steps. You can use various time frequencies (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly) depending on your data.

Bonus: Using convert_to_ts() from TidyDensity

Now, let’s explore a bonus section discussing the convert_to_ts() function from TidyDensity. This function is designed to convert data in a data frame or tibble into a time series format. It works seamlessly with data generated from tidy_distribution functions.

convert_to_ts() Function Details

The convert_to_ts() function takes the following arguments:

  • .data: A data frame or tibble to be converted into a time series format.
  • .return_ts: A logical value indicating whether to return the time series data. Default is TRUE.
  • .pivot_longer: A logical value indicating whether to pivot the data into long format. Default is FALSE.

How It Works

  1. The function checks if the input is a data frame or tibble; otherwise, it raises an error.
  2. It verifies if the data comes from a tidy_distribution function; otherwise, it raises an error.
  3. The data is then converted into a time series format, grouping it by “sim_number” and transforming the “y” column into a time series.

Example Usage


# Assuming you have a tidy data frame 'tidy_data'
tidy_time_series <- convert_to_ts(.data = tidy_normal(), 
                                  .return_ts = TRUE, 
                                  .pivot_longer = FALSE)

# Display the result
[1,] -2.1617445
[2,]  0.7630891
[3,]  0.1951564
[4,]  1.0558584
[5,] -1.5169866
[6,] -1.4532770

multiple_simulations_series <- convert_to_ts(.data = tidy_normal(.num_sims = 10),
                                             .return_ts = TRUE, 
                                             .pivot_longer = TRUE)
              1          2           3           4          5          6
[1,]  0.6591429  1.0850380 -1.41562870 -0.59330831 -0.2680326  0.6516654
[2,] -1.7456947 -0.5792555  0.95670979  0.35232047  1.3702818 -1.0709930
[3,]  0.2665711 -2.1701118  2.18141262  0.25480605  1.5762242 -0.8022482
[4,]  0.3128563  0.4328502  0.55082256  0.06628991  0.7984409  0.3048087
[5,]  0.6763225 -0.3997367 -0.09709908  1.13736623  1.0121689  0.3383476
[6,] -0.1086352  1.3522350 -1.00235321  0.14722832  1.3395307 -0.1026343
              7          8          9         10
[1,] -0.1113009  1.6959992 -1.1897814 -0.2290430
[2,] -0.7512943 -0.6969146  1.1334643  0.7554655
[3,]  1.0782559  0.5296079 -1.0057891  1.1089107
[4,] -1.8030557  1.5021519  0.7094383 -1.0848102
[5,] -0.5539205  0.7127801 -1.3130555 -0.6742046
[6,] -0.7625295 -1.1712384  0.8147821  0.8036737

convert_to_ts(.data = tidy_normal(.num_sims = 10),
              .return_ts = FALSE, 
              .pivot_longer = FALSE)
# A tibble: 50 × 10
       `1`    `2`    `3`      `4`    `5`    `6`     `7`    `8`     `9`   `10`
     <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
 1  1.34    0.300  0.475 -3.07     1.35   1.18   0.403  -0.104 -0.347  -0.590
 2  0.153  -0.563 -1.28  -0.0429   0.354  1.24  -0.184   0.850  0.338  -0.700
 3 -0.448   0.160 -1.22   0.600   -0.532 -0.357 -0.759   0.659  0.691  -0.778
 4  0.0384 -1.38  -0.918  1.12    -1.09   0.949  0.0276  0.456  0.510   1.10 
 5 -0.0148 -0.663  0.401  0.00200 -0.790 -1.98   0.714   0.613  0.658   1.02 
 6  0.528   0.164 -0.104 -0.977   -0.889 -0.589  1.39    0.916  0.496   0.326
 7  1.08   -1.21   0.116  0.685    1.22   0.132  0.608  -0.322 -1.06   -0.624
 8 -0.620   1.45   0.666 -1.39    -1.20  -0.175  0.0665  1.21   1.95   -0.237
 9 -0.143  -1.93  -0.683  0.603   -1.24   0.623 -0.564  -0.417  0.0639  1.34 
10  0.125   0.869 -1.47   0.953    0.608 -1.80   0.272   1.16   1.17   -1.09 
# ℹ 40 more rows
convert_to_ts(.data = tidy_normal(.num_sims = 10),
              .pivot_longer = TRUE)
Time Series:
Start = 1 
End = 50 
Frequency = 1 
              1            2           3           4           5           6
 1 -0.655132170  1.124119928 -1.68015013  0.27119005 -1.34222309 -0.85029821
 2 -0.563753358  0.148496529 -0.08420323  0.52425342 -0.22838128  0.38009238
 3  0.162642987  0.944409541 -0.31995660  1.62739294  0.04586743 -1.00996184
 4 -1.946332513  1.693491637 -0.76559306  2.58711915 -0.67796334  0.73113802
 5  0.009260305  0.563304432 -0.90409541 -0.74206033  1.18933630  1.19979835
 6  0.422154075 -0.827368569  0.38440082  1.58106342  0.53744939 -0.01699670
 7  0.672312916  1.917586521  0.18758750  0.52812847  0.04987565  0.42471806
 8 -0.099748356  0.548332963 -0.44544054 -0.74466540  0.27741779  0.03754982
 9  0.599374087  2.416047894  0.13083797 -0.71925129  1.46397148  0.21928699
10  2.137103506  1.012679620  0.10946528 -1.21309250 -0.40298312 -0.06149162
11 -0.584328794 -0.977150553  1.98763118  0.80100807  1.59761439  0.96962954
12 -0.977410854  0.153227900 -0.89588458 -0.04738268 -0.99671233 -0.79875286
13  0.348559098 -0.139254894  0.17014759 -0.41635428  1.16343543  0.45536856
14  2.050755613  0.379570270 -1.57943509 -0.49670553 -0.49108776 -0.81654431
15 -0.536403083  0.815378564  0.44909230 -0.17645908  2.14187118  0.85912010
16  0.154173100 -0.009842145 -0.06548799  1.36411289 -0.26842334  1.69185208
17  0.526008171 -1.021411558 -0.01515875 -0.39923678 -1.91505446  1.47060381
18 -0.382628412  1.554043999 -0.99083886  0.03813862 -0.12122244  0.78097490
19  0.068027520  1.559917873  1.56624132 -0.72556821  0.04364763 -1.08713622
20 -0.375312760  0.182453162 -0.29118413  0.63647087  1.14593859  0.33562580
21  0.527199674  0.514358677 -0.85199804 -0.65959289  1.34991539 -0.88580797
22  0.606739583 -0.349281940 -0.42159565 -0.29988202  0.86897866  0.83607508
23 -0.750044523 -0.721098218  0.81759595  1.81533167  1.67514533  0.49723656
24 -0.167121348  1.050352702  1.70669358 -2.78197517  0.70872919 -1.19627981
25 -0.442427162 -0.009639385  0.66120474  0.07333735  0.39692306  2.72030582
26 -0.405109397 -0.463937639  2.92697938  0.64263562 -0.59588190  1.27812303
27  0.554957737  1.508452736 -0.67384362 -1.14296113  0.25859866 -0.09516432
28 -0.167333762 -0.154519359  1.29634414  2.05276305  1.22046958 -0.20261165
29 -0.426751358  0.299516899 -0.10270470  0.45218446 -1.01077778  0.41069225
30 -0.915369502 -1.134302489 -0.45195412 -0.02372924 -0.87979497 -2.22429752
31  0.398618595 -0.246544276  0.63197257  0.04685569  0.46524825 -0.41017315
32  0.001083079 -0.530058643  0.82139589  0.39120899  0.63881495  0.63570075
33 -0.502176823 -0.642359996  0.42880920 -0.44803379 -0.01992917  0.38896456
34  0.276462923 -1.042478900  1.14313112 -1.55697201  0.52390061  0.07794736
35  0.923405153 -0.237080174  0.96970857  0.86964379 -0.91567940 -0.63612591
36 -0.400504232  0.217544505 -0.63904106  0.91258477 -0.01156312 -0.41156245
37  0.458010625 -1.456299801 -0.95303905 -1.01123779 -0.04321204 -0.84060963
38 -0.202664022 -0.729410616  1.10544600 -1.54460728  0.48443033 -0.67777269
39  0.041503245 -0.610875862 -0.45167645 -0.47658183 -2.46133081  0.26514433
40 -0.121966128 -0.265657879 -0.40754380  0.41665215 -3.23015392 -0.11733447
41  2.275054279 -0.140453274  1.01738854  1.08335318 -0.72963796 -0.07750213
42  0.305032329 -0.912897889 -0.54486760 -0.06350812  0.35661866 -0.89575613
43 -0.097368038  0.879480923  0.42349178  0.90800105  1.22592750 -1.93884437
44 -0.053250772  0.590070911 -0.04377062  0.38001642 -0.56422962 -1.55652310
45 -0.631346970  0.510970484  1.03953655 -0.52313314  0.66643930 -0.50328900
46 -0.573835910  0.662271162 -0.94615866 -1.09348403  1.51469795  0.02769026
47  2.056373176 -1.438372766  0.64932666 -1.17330573  0.41932438  1.53009528
48 -2.353078785  0.487698963 -0.81844578 -0.92462341  0.27244456  0.42617475
49 -3.231722103 -1.271841203  0.24348256 -1.36611307 -0.97603663 -1.95217754
50  0.753719680 -0.366101153 -0.01044950 -1.59566595  0.08057617  1.11583833
              7            8            9           10
 1  0.171342136 -1.143037486  0.798526236 -0.244110488
 2 -0.940732995 -0.098286237 -0.002464059 -1.329350897
 3 -0.694053671 -0.861938231 -0.981141759 -0.016408426
 4  0.715770296  0.891107430 -1.631236257 -0.812448587
 5 -1.487322100  1.513993297  1.034899433 -1.562309837
 6 -2.299581079 -1.372057771  1.141053483 -0.523175745
 7 -1.551226431  0.584053401 -0.124530500  1.386795935
 8  0.199088420  0.176433940  0.896122531  0.150326444
 9 -2.610686399  1.619626479 -0.304107194  1.999026100
10  0.993024200 -1.717659646 -0.936505161  0.249643134
11  0.242493969 -1.104745018  2.139557395  1.308248416
12  1.438262730 -0.371852512 -0.367182295 -1.589296525
13 -0.149204186 -1.054119573 -0.465127766  0.423034528
14  1.199604760 -0.295676868  1.818224237  1.651671457
15  0.682116022  1.589055554  0.940553190  0.044546697
16 -0.023887103 -0.544176304  0.078750649 -1.618718807
17  0.783402254 -0.024077038  1.530981707  0.610937582
18  0.840292783 -0.781554633  0.177714516 -0.059345413
19 -1.313595307 -1.101811653  0.057190918  0.067426355
20  0.005232829  0.145444788  1.066697084  1.068481723
21 -0.554820885  0.380379950 -0.162190910  1.185489015
22 -0.861222004  0.030283953  0.908438632 -0.231394452
23  1.157935009  0.063995477  2.361496504 -0.396326692
24 -0.897071507  0.369621973 -0.266053668 -0.131590687
25  0.035629927 -0.084923255  0.003248558 -0.368614537
26  0.509364566 -1.832084693  0.890542325  0.888462980
27  1.207424021 -2.671878721  0.063299112 -0.878590418
28  0.211237171  1.535283026  0.759650387  0.549046140
29 -0.595276048 -2.514556134  0.445083701 -0.769968392
30  1.348793576  0.004755218 -0.301946343 -2.037938159
31  0.361619164 -1.340745382 -0.706048393 -0.003291719
32  0.014851985 -0.249794267  0.741063865 -0.398728564
33 -1.172677388 -0.193834398  1.018583201 -0.351067819
34 -0.572769045 -2.072442096  0.577545791  1.284331483
35  0.443800268 -0.108977727  1.866110069 -0.020469667
36  0.926425998 -0.687618149  1.224365387 -0.096690188
37 -0.460173605 -0.302608648  0.671541153 -2.696710002
38  0.277085477  0.335125232 -0.754473314  0.619338071
39  1.279310040 -0.842097806 -0.275860802 -0.768216600
40  0.015055026  0.835779589 -0.535925622 -0.990428811
41  0.690052418  1.488830535  0.318262300 -0.265301715
42 -2.342151157 -0.587400371  1.794438099  1.190162522
43 -1.284973383  0.976120498 -0.678730423  0.895248035
44 -1.857641265 -0.484324204  1.312931115  1.671816010
45 -0.828061584 -1.461679865  1.175113675  0.392315093
46 -0.124694812  0.800465295 -0.328118006  0.170025963
47  0.698593283  0.676449924  1.963221359 -0.477702054
48  0.118048192  0.257227889 -0.600914093  0.908605679
49 -0.101844218  0.458018251  0.177924006 -0.469079298
50  0.249644640 -1.684424651  0.620835209  1.330859032

This example showcases how to leverage TidyDensity’s functionality to convert tidy data into a time series format effortlessly. At this point in time though, the parameters of the ts() function are not utilized, meaning you cannot also pass in a start, end or frequency, but that will be added in the future.

In conclusion, mastering the ts() function in base R and exploring additional tools like convert_to_ts() opens up new avenues for time series analysis. So, roll up your sleeves, experiment with your data, and unlock the insights hidden in the temporal dimension. Happy coding!