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This is a boilerplate function to create automatically the following:

  • recipe

  • model specification

  • workflow

  • tuned model (grid ect)

  • calibration tibble and plot


  .prefix = "ts_croston",
  .tune = TRUE,
  .grid_size = 10,
  .num_cores = 1,
  .cv_assess = 12,
  .cv_skip = 3,
  .cv_slice_limit = 6,
  .best_metric = "rmse",
  .bootstrap_final = FALSE



The data being passed to the function. The time-series object.


The column that holds the datetime.


The column that has the value


The formula that is passed to the recipe like value ~ .


The rsample splits object


Default is ts_exp_smooth


Defaults to TRUE, this creates a tuning grid and tuned model.


If .tune is TRUE then the .grid_size is the size of the tuning grid.


How many cores do you want to use. Default is 1


How many observations for assess. See timetk::time_series_cv()


How many observations to skip. See timetk::time_series_cv()


How many slices to return. See timetk::time_series_cv()


Default is "rmse". See modeltime::default_forecast_accuracy_metric_set()


Not yet implemented.


A list


This uses the forecast::croston() for the parsnip engine. This model does not use exogenous regressors, so only a univariate model of: value ~ date will be used from the .date_col and .value_col that you provide.


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


# \donttest{

data <- AirPassengers %>%
  ts_to_tbl() %>%

splits <- time_series_split(
  , date_col
  , assess = 12
  , skip = 3
  , cumulative = TRUE

ts_exp <- ts_auto_croston(
  .data = data,
  .num_cores = 2,
  .date_col = date_col,
  .value_col = value,
  .rsamp_obj = splits,
  .formula = value ~ .,
  .grid_size = 5,
  .tune = FALSE
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `dplyr::mutate()`.
#>  In argument: `.nested.col = purrr::map(...)`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! A correlation computation is required, but `estimate` is constant and has 0 standard deviation, resulting in a divide by 0 error. `NA` will be returned.

#> $recipe_call
#> recipe(.data = data, .date_col = date_col, .value_col = value, 
#>     .formula = value ~ ., .rsamp_obj = splits, .tune = FALSE, 
#>     .grid_size = 5, .num_cores = 2)
#> $recipe_syntax
#> [1] "ts_croston_recipe <-"                                                                                                                                              
#> [2] "\n  recipe(.data = data, .date_col = date_col, .value_col = value, .formula = value ~ \n    ., .rsamp_obj = splits, .tune = FALSE, .grid_size = 5, .num_cores = 2)"
#> $rec_obj
#> ── Recipe ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Inputs 
#> Number of variables by role
#> outcome:   1
#> predictor: 1
# }