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This function estimates the parameters m, n, and k of a hypergeometric distribution from the provided data and then calculates the AIC value based on the fitted distribution.





A numeric vector containing the data to be fitted to a hypergeometric distribution.


The AIC value calculated based on the fitted hypergeometric distribution to the provided data.


This function calculates the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) for a hypergeometric distribution fitted to the provided data.

This function fits a hypergeometric distribution to the provided data. It estimates the parameters m, n, and k of the hypergeometric distribution from the data. Then, it calculates the AIC value based on the fitted distribution.

Initial parameter estimates: The function does not estimate parameters; they are directly calculated from the data.

Optimization method: Since the parameters are directly calculated from the data, no optimization is needed.

Goodness-of-fit: While AIC is a useful metric for model comparison, it's recommended to also assess the goodness-of-fit of the chosen model using visualization and other statistical tests.


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


# Example 1: Calculate AIC for a sample dataset
x <- rhyper(100, m = 10, n = 10, k = 5)
#> [1] 290.7657