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This function converts data in a data frame or tibble into a time series format. It is designed to work with data generated from tidy_ distribution functions. The function can return time series data, pivot it into long format, or both.


convert_to_ts(.data, .return_ts = TRUE, .pivot_longer = FALSE)



A data frame or tibble to be converted into a time series format.


A logical value indicating whether to return the time series data. Default is TRUE.


A logical value indicating whether to pivot the data into long format. Default is FALSE.


The function returns the processed data based on the chosen options:

  • If ret_ts is set to TRUE, it returns time series data.

  • If pivot_longer is set to TRUE, it returns the data in long format.

  • If both options are set to FALSE, it returns the data as a tibble.


The function takes a data frame or tibble as input and processes it based on the specified options. It performs the following actions:

  1. Checks if the input is a data frame or tibble; otherwise, it raises an error.

  2. Checks if the data comes from a tidy_ distribution function; otherwise, it raises an error.

  3. Converts the data into a time series format, grouping it by "sim_number" and transforming the "y" column into a time series.

  4. Returns the result based on the chosen options:

    • If ret_ts is set to TRUE, it returns the time series data.

    • If pivot_longer is set to TRUE, it pivots the data into long format.

    • If both options are set to FALSE, it returns the data as a tibble.


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


# Example 1: Convert data to time series format without returning time series data
x <- tidy_normal()
result <- convert_to_ts(x, FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 1
#>        y
#>    <dbl>
#> 1  1.99 
#> 2  0.416
#> 3 -0.362
#> 4 -0.282
#> 5  0.404
#> 6 -0.694

# Example 2: Convert data to time series format and pivot it into long format
x <- tidy_normal()
result <- convert_to_ts(x, FALSE, TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 1
#>        y
#>    <dbl>
#> 1 -0.912
#> 2 -0.732
#> 3 -0.582
#> 4  0.204
#> 5 -0.661
#> 6 -2.18 

# Example 3: Convert data to time series format and return the time series data
x <- tidy_normal()
result <- convert_to_ts(x)
#>               y
#> [1,] -0.1348973
#> [2,]  0.6769697
#> [3,] -0.5048327
#> [4,] -0.8381438
#> [5,] -2.9578102
#> [6,]  1.1051425